Blacksmithing appeals to a wide demographic; old, young, male, female, people of diverse cultural and professional backgrounds all sharing a common interest in the art and craft of the blacksmith. Many of my students tell me they contemplated and procrastinated about taking a course for several years before finally making the commitment. Not one has ever told me they regretted finally doing it but several told me they regretted waiting so long.
Some of my students are looking to begin a career in blacksmithing, others looking for a hobby and some are just looking to have a once in a lifetime experience. Regardless of your motivation, virtually everyone who explores the field finds it a rewarding and empowering experience.
Myself and the other instructors at Thak Ironworks bring experience, enthusiasm and intensity to our teaching. I invite you to come and share our passion for this unique craft.
No refunds on courses. Date changes allowed up to 3 weeks before the scheduled course so that there is time available to fill your booking with another student.
- Blacksmithing
- The age-old craft of blacksmithing has a mass appeal in our current era. People from all walks of life want to try their hand at forging hot steel. Thak Ironworks offers several courses on this very topic, from basic to advanced.
- Basic Blacksmithing
- This entry-level course introduces the student to basic fundamentals such as lighting a forge and hammer control. As the name implies, the projects in this course focus mainly on tool making as this fosters the necessary resourcefulness to make the specific tools required to make countless other projects. The projects in this course include coat hook, rake, shovel, tongs, chisels, center punch, and a fireplace poker.We suggest reading The New Edge of The Anvil before taking the course.
- Intermediate Blacksmithing
- This course curriculum is designed for the student intending to set up their own hobby shop. The projects featured in this course allow the students to build a basic tool kit to equip their own setup. Building directly on the Basic Tool Making Course, the intermediate course covers the construction of an upsetting block, a hot cutter, a hot punch, a spring fuller, a cutoff hardy, bending forks, and a scrolling jig.Basic tool making is a prerequisite.There are no upcoming courses at this time, please email us at to request this course be made available.
- Advanced Blacksmithing
- The word "advanced" in this context is perhaps misleading because you don't need to be an expert smith to perform well in these courses. The Basic tool making course is a sufficient prerequisite. Additional proficiency will, however, enhance your results.Advanced Blacksmithing - Fire Tools:This course focuses on a specific project, namely the construction of a 4 piece fire tool set with stand. Techniques such as twisting, riveting, hook making, sheet metal raising, scrolls and shepherds crooks combine to create the finished fire tool set.Advanced Blacksmithing - Door Hardware:This project-based course covers the construction of a thumb latch, hook & eye, butterfly hinge and a strap hinge with a pintle.
- Blade Forging
- Bladesmithing is an ancient craft that has recently entered the awareness of the general population because of the popularity of the show "Forged in Fire".The blade is one of the most fundamental tools and its use defines our entire technological history. Little wonder there is such an appeal to make and use an edged tool built by your own hand. Here at Thak's, we offer a variety of courses to explore the world of bladesmithing.
- Knife Making
- This is a basic level course introducing the student to the fundamentals of bladesmithing. From forging to shape, basic grinding and heat treatment, this course provides an overview of the "nitty gritty" techniques to make a functional blade. Typically students end the course with 2 or 3 working blades they can then finish (polish, handle, fillings, etc.) at home.Basic tool making course or equivalent is highly recommended, prerequisite but we will accept students with no experience. The typical duration of the course is 2 days, Friday to Saturday from 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM.
- Axe Making
- We consider the axe course our other "bucket list" course, second only to the sword course. There is just something so appealing in making an axe and using it to chop wood. A truly empowering experience.This 2-day course takes the student through the process of forging an axe head from a single piece of 5160 (spring steel). In addition to forging the head to shape, the grinding and polishing are explored along with proper heat treating and handle assembly.Basic toolmaking or equivalent is prerequisite and it should be noted that day one is physically intense.
- Sword Forging
- This is our "bucket list" course according to many of our students. Also described as "it's a guy thing, you wouldn't understand". The concept of forging your own sword holds a mystical appeal to a select segment of society.Our sword course takes the student through the entire process of constructing an arming sword, of a style typical of the time between the Viking era and the 14th century(double-edged with central single fuller and cross hilt). Design, proportions, weight, balance, blade geometry, and aesthetics are all discussed. From forging the blade, rough grinding, fullering, construction of fittings(quillion, pommel) and handle, and of course the all-important heat treating. This is an intensely challenging week that will test the student to the utmost. This intensity always creates synergistic energy among the students and makes for a memorable week for all involved.Basic Toolmaking course or equivalent experience are prerequisites for this course. Students should also be in good physical shape as it is physically and mentally demanding.
- Spear Making
- In this course, we forge spearheads using 5160 spring steel for the blade. This is forge welded to a mild steel socket which we construct from 1/8" thick plate steel. The spearhead is then ground, polished and heat treated. The finished spearhead is then fastened to a hickory shaft to create a finished spear.
- Armour Making
- Medieval European plate armour is one of the great achievements of historical metal working. A perfect marriage of form and function that created an extremely effective form of defence against the weapons of its age. Shaping sheet metal into articulated wearable armour is a challenging venture. Here at Thak Ironworks, we endeavour to introduce students to this unique discipline through a variety of courses.
- Helmet Making
- This is an entry-level course that introduces the student to the rudiments of plate armour techniques through the construction of a dark age style spangenhelm.Pattern development, cutting of sheet steel, dishing, fitting, riveting, polishing, gun bluing are among the many techniques covered in this course.Students leave with a finished helmet customized to their personal design. They are then prepared to explore other aspects of plate armour construction.
- Gauntlet Making
- Finger gauntlets have an almost mesmerizing quality to the first time wearer. To consciously animate this articulated collection of tiny steel plates is a compelling experience. Compound this with the fact that you yourself built these gauntlets and you have something magical. Ok, all romantic pondering aside, it is still undeniably cool to make.This course covers the cutting out, shaping polishing and assembly of a pair of 15th-century finger gauntlets.The helmet course is a prerequisite for this course.
- Make a Breastplate
- In this 2 day course, we explore working with large plates of steel to create what are typically the single largest components in plate armour construction.Students have the choice of making either a muscle breastplate of Greco/Roman design or a one or two piece breastplate of the 15th century.Using 18 gauge steel this course includes a lot of dishing and focuses on achieving an ergonomic shape. Edge rolling and strapping are covered.We only have enough time in this course to build the breastplate, but we will also teach the student the necessary strategy and skills to create and build the back plate at home.The prerequisite for this course is the helmet course.There are no upcoming courses at this time, please email us at to request this course be made available.
- Articulation
- This course focuses on the design and construction of articulated joints such as the elbow or knee in relation to 15th-century European plate armour.The skills used in this process can then be adapted to most of the remaining components of full plate armour.The prerequisite for this course is the helmet course.There are no upcoming courses at this time, please email us at to request this course be made available.
- Repousse
- This course introduces the student to sculpting sheet metal through the process often called repousse. Using either copper, brass, or steel the student is lead through the process. Starting with making a clay maquette for visual reference and then through the shaping process using wooden stumps, sandbags, stakes, specialty hammers, and chisels.The helmet making course is recommended before taking this course.There are no upcoming courses at this time, please email us at to request this course be made available.